Crunchy Strawberry And Orange Blossom Pie

  • Prep Time
    45 Mins
  • Cook Time
    25 Mins
  • Serving
  • View
    1 532


Crunchy Strawberry And Orange Blossom Pie


Step 1

Soften the butter in the microwave and then, with a spatula, gradually add 80 g of powdered sugar and the egg. Add the flour, almond powder and a pinch of salt. Finish with a light kneading with your fingers and form a ball. Wrap it and let it rest for 12 hours in a cool place.

Step 2

Roll out the dough on a floured surface and line a buttered and floured pie pan. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Cover the bottom of the pie with paper and cover with dried beans. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes.

Step 3

Wash and hull the strawberries, cut them in two or four. In a bowl, whip the ricotta with the strawberry liqueur and orange blossom water.

Step 4

Remove the beans and paper from the cooled pie shell and spread the mixture on top. Sprinkle it with strawberries and powdered sugar. Serve this tart within 2 hours to avoid soaking the pastry base.


Our advice: You will probably have too much dough, but it is necessary but it is necessary to make enough otherwise it will tend to dry out. dry out. Keep the rest in the freezer for another crispy recipe.

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  • Carolinet

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