Chef John’s Romesco Sauce

  • Prep Time
    15 mins
  • Cook Time
    15 mins
  • Serving
  • View
    2 036


Chef John's Romesco Sauce


Step 1

Turn on a gas stove and roast bell peppers over the open flame until soft and blackened, about 5 minutes per side. Peppers should emit steam when pressed. Transfer peppers to a bowl, cover, and let cool to room temperature.

Step 2

Combine oil and garlic in a skillet. Turn heat to medium and cook, stirring constantly, until garlic just starts to turn golden brown, about 3 minutes. Move garlic to a ramekin using a slotted spoon, leaving all the oil in the skillet.

Step 3

Toast bread in the oil until golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes.

Step 4

Peel peppers under running water. Cut peppers open and remove the seeds. Chop into cubes and transfer to a food processor. Add garlic, bread cubes with oil, almonds, vinegar, paprika, cayenne, and salt. Pulse on and off until sauce is well combined and reaches your desired texture.

Step 5

Transfer sauce to a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate to intensify the flavors, 8 hours to overnight.


Enjoy :)

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  • Abigaylet

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