Radish Tartar

  • Prep Time
    30 Mins
  • Cook Time
    No cooking
  • Serving
  • View
    1 595


Radish Tartar


Step 1

Whisk the cider vinegar, salt, pepper, mustard and oil in a bowl.

Step 2

Clean the radishes and cut them into slices. Add them to the bowl along with the diced gherkins and drained capers. Mix everything with the sauce.

Step 3

Lay a few leaves of washed and wrung out lettuce on top. Cut them into thin strips. Scatter this chiffonade on the plates.

Step 4

Arrange the seasoned radishes in a dome on top. Sprinkle with coarsely chopped parsley and serve with slices of toasted bread.

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  • Florancet

    Great mix of humor and insight! For additional info, click here: READ MORE. Any thoughts?

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